Become a Butterfly Friend

Making a pact and join us as a BFF (ButterFly Friend) by investing in the well-being of the planet and all of its life. Whether you're an employee, employer, parent, friend, or an awesome human being. It's simply the right choice...

As a BFF, you're part of our community of monthly donors. Thanks to your support and recurring donation, you make our work possible.

Are you also interested in donating your time by participating in River Cleanups and other volunteer work? Click here and make a tangible difference by helping out in the field.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

- Winston Churchill

Join as a Non-Profit Partner

Are you a non-profit organization or activist group in search of funding? Sign up by using the button below and submit a funding request. We are here to help you spread your wings and leave the largest positive impact possible.

Are you an influencer, journalist, politician, or opinion maker with a passion for philanthropy? We would love to explore how we can make a difference together. Please contact us via email.

Rolling Up Our Sleeves Together

On this calendar, you will find events organized by the Butterfly Foundation and partner organizations. From River Cleanups to tree planting, protest actions, and gatherings, you can sign up for the events below to experience the Butterfly Effect in real life.

If you don't want to miss any events, sign up for our newsletter and stay informed.

Travel Consciously

The Butterfly Foundation was founded in 2024 by Travelbase, a rapidly growing travel company with over 20 unique travel brands and communities. Since 2010, Travelbase has been creating once-in-a-lifetime active travel experiences, primarily within Europe.

Do you enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone to connect with nature and the people around you? At Travelbase, we focus on "The Journey" rather than the destination.

When you book a trip with Travelbase, 1% of your total travel cost goes to the Butterfly Foundation, allowing you to contribute to a better world. That money is directed to various non-profit organizations linked to your trip.

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